Nurses Global Outreach, Inc. is a not-for-profit social service organization that strives to engage local communities in giving back to the most vulnerable at home and abroad.
Started in Wichita, KS, NGO was created in response to the needs of the local homeless population. Lacking direct access to healthcare, hygiene supplies, and seasonal clothing, NGO began to advocate on behalf of this often forgotten population by providing monetary donations, supplies, and healthcare services to local organizations who care for these men, women and children.

Nurses account for the largest number of healthcare workers in the world with over 19 million licensed around the globe. Nurses often find themselves on the front lines of serving the most vulnerable and filling the gap in communities without access to physicians.
Tapping into this skill to serve, NGO seeks to bring together nurses and their communities to provide education, healthcare, and scholarship in the spirit of unity.
“I think one’s feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results.”
Florence Nightingale