NGO President and nurse practitioner Joshua Reed deployed to Antigua, Guatemala to assist International Medical Relief in providing much needed disaster relief services to individuals effected by the eruption of Volcan de Fuego on June 3, 2018. It is estimated that the blast and lava flow from the volcano resulted in hundreds being killed with hundreds more still missing. The local government estimates that over 3,000 Guatemalans have been displaced due to the eruption. Many of the roads were rendered nearly impassible due to the hardened volcanic flow and the naturally rough terrain.
The mission served over 300 people per day. Although many conditions were treated during the course of the deployment a high number of patients were seen and treated for mental health needs. Several of the Guatemalans served described symptoms consistent with PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder from having survived a natural disaster. Many of the individuals that were treated reported losing family members and all of their possessions after the volcanic eruption. Many individuals walked for miles to reach our medical sites and be treated for minor burns, infectious diarrhea, dehydration, malnutrition, as well as to receive care for chronic diseases.

The Guatemalan people were so very hospitable and it was an honor to serve them during our time in Guatemala.
International Medical Relief offers short-term assignments for volunteer medical professionals and dental professionals, students, and non-medical volunteers to conduct medical and dental clinics that provide free, expert care and health education in areas where it is limited or difficult to obtain. For additional regarding International Medical Relief, see their website at